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Monday, 17 June 2013

Download PhraseExpress 9.1.41d

Download PhraseExpress 9.1.41d - Dengan PhraseExpress Anda dapat memberikan potongan teks yang paling sering digunakan untuk shortuicts keyboard yang dapat disesuaikan, yang akan membantu Anda untuk menulis pesan Anda lebih cepat whitout kebutuhan untuk mengetik teks yang sama sepanjang waktu. Potongan itu sendiri disimpan dalam tempat yang aman, dan mereka dapat dimasukkan ke dalam aplikasi Windows yang mendukung entri teks.

PhraseExpress Features:

Text Snippets Manager
PhraseExpress organizes your frequently used text snippets in customizable categories for quick access.

PhraseExpress saves keystrokes by expanding text abbreviations into full text snippets. E.g. typing 'sig' could insert your signature into any program.

PhraseExpress recognizes repetitive text input automatically and offers to auto-complete full sentences on demand.

Spelling Correction
PhraseExpress includes a system-wide spelling correction with more than 10,000 spelling corrections in seven languages.

Clipboard Manager
While the standard Windows Clipboard keeps only the last copied data, the PhraseExpress Clipboard Manager keeps recently copied clipboard contents for quick access and insertion into any application.

Built-In Pocket Calculator
No calculator at hand while you work on a document? PhraseExpress can perform calculations as you type.

Program Launcher
Launch programs simply by entering a text shortcut. For example, type 'word' to launch Microsoft Word or 'exc' to open a spreadsheet.

Email Signatures
PhraseExpress can manage your email signatures templates for use in any mail program, such as Outlook, Lotus Notes or Thunderbird. Dynamic contents can be embedded from ActiveDirectory/LDAP.

Info Software:

  • Latest version:
    PhraseExpress 9.1.41d
  • Requirements:
    Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64
  • Author / product:
    Bartels Media / PhraseExpress
  • File size / license:
    7.69 MB / Freeware

    Download Now

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